Privacy Policy 

Last Updated: 24 April 2024

1. Introduction

Charmingly Creative Events ("we," "our," or "us") are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your personal data when you use our website, products, or services. By accessing or using our website or services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

2. Information We Collect

We may collect the following types of personal information:

2.1 Personal Information: This may include your name, email address, phone number, or other contact information.

2.2. Usage Information: We collect information about how you use our website, including your IP address, browser type, operating system, and access times.

2.3. Cookies and Similar Technologies: We use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about your browsing behaviour, preferences, and other data. Please refer to the Cookies section for detailed information.

2.4. User-Generated Content: Information you provide in any forms on the website.

3. How We Use Your Information

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

3.1. To Provide Services: To provide and deliver our products and services, process transactions, and respond to your requests.

3.2. To Improve Our Services: To analyse and improve our website and services, develop new features, and enhance user experience.

3.3. Marketing: To send promotional and marketing materials, newsletters, and other communications, but only with your explicit consent.

3.4. Legal Compliance: To comply with legal obligations and protect our rights and interests.

4. Sharing Your Information

We may share your personal information with:

4.1. Service Providers: Third-party service providers that help us with website operation, payment processing, and other services. We ensure they are GDPR-compliant.

5. Your Rights Under GDPR

You have specific rights under GDPR, including:

5.1. Access: You can request a copy of your personal data that we hold.

5.2. Rectification: You can request corrections to your personal data

5.3. Erasure: You can request the deletion of your personal data under certain conditions.

5.4. Data Portability: You can request your data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.

5.5. Withdraw Consent: You can withdraw your consent for data processing at any time.

6. Security

We take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information from unauthorised access and disclosure. We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures as required by GDPR.

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices or for legal reasons. We will notify you of any significant changes as required by GDPR.


1. What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device when you visit our website. They are commonly used to enhance your browsing experience and provide us with information about how you use our site.

2. Types of Cookies

We use the following types of cookies on our website:

Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. They enable basic features like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function correctly without these cookies.

Analytical/Performance Cookies: These cookies help us understand how visitors use our website. They collect information about which pages are visited most often, the time spent on our site, and any error messages. We use Google Analytics to collect the data. This information is used to improve the performance and functionality of our website.

Functionality Cookies: These cookies allow the website to remember choices you make (such as your username or language preferences) and provide enhanced, more personalised features.

Advertising/Marketing Cookies: These cookies are used to deliver relevant advertisements and track the performance of our marketing campaigns. They may also be used to build user profiles based on your browsing habits.

3. Your Consent

By using our website, you consent to the placement of cookies on your device as described in this policy. You can change your cookie preferences at any time by adjusting your browser settings. Please note that disabling certain cookies may impact the functionality of our website.

4. How to Manage Cookies

You can manage and control cookies in your browser settings. The exact method for doing so varies depending on your browser, but most browsers allow you to:

View and delete cookies

Block specific types of cookies

Accept or reject cookies from specific websites

5. Contact Us

If you have questions, concerns, or requests related to this Privacy Policy or your GDPR rights, please contact us at 

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